Divorce Gives You the Chance to Choose Again!

Let's Start Changing the Conversation.

Divorce is a GIFT, a RESOURCE and a TOOL.  Divorce allows you to CHOOSE AGAIN!

Choose to love, choose to live, choose to discover who your are outside of a difficult marriage.

Divorce is NOT shameful. Rather, it's truly an act of courage when compared to suffering in marital unhappiness.
Listen in as I give voice to what people really want to know when it comes to divorce.

Divorce is always an option because your happiness matters!


Self-Advocacy | Episode 117

Feeling unheard and invalidated, even after you make your thoughts and feelings known is no way to live. If this resonates with you, then you won't want to miss this "power packed" conversation.

After years of struggling to be heard, (and repeatedly acquiescing and conceding,) I finally found a way to reclaim my voice through becoming a strong self-advocate.

Learn what advocating is, and how to take your first steps in becoming a strong self-advocate. 

Regardless of marital status, you deserve to be heard because when you own your voice, you own your power.  

P.S. Be sure to take advantage of the Free Advocate Like an Expert Training that's offered as well.


Divorce Coaching:  What It Is And Why It Matters 

Episode 70

Outside of death, divorce is one of the most stressful events that an individual can experience. Having a divorce coach in place to support you through this highly charged life transition matters!

You see, there's little room for misguided thinking when in the divorce process. The decision you make today, during your divorce, will impact tomorrow's outcomes. This is why having a divorce coach as part of your support team is critical part of your divorcing process.

In this episode, Heather and Samantha discuss:

  • What is a divorce coach.
  • Why having a divorce coach in your corner matters and,
  • How divorce is not a predictor of your worth and value as one of God's children. 

Questions & Doubts  |  Episode 29

How do you reconcile your questions and doubts when your life no longer fits the traditional mold of your religious community?

Does making room to explore your thought, feelings and questions mean you're less faithful? Or, does it simply mean that you're discovering more of who God meant for you to be?

Making room to engage in this process is scary. And yet, it's the very thing which is required in order to live in true alignment with what we believe, who we believe we're meant to be in the world.

The biggest lie we tell ourselves is that everyone else has it "all figured out!" and, "I am the only one struggling." This is never truly the case as uncertainty is a normal part of the human experience.

The real question is, are we willing to do the work required to reconcile the questions and doubts; which are naturally a part of our life's curriculum.  


Advocating for Yourself |  Episode 256

Advocating is an underdeveloped and underutilized skill; yet, it's the only way we can give voice to what we want, need and desire.

When we fail to show up for ourselves (because we either don't know how or we dread having "that conversation,") then we're will always be at the effect of what other people's decisions. 

So what does it mean to Advocate for Yourself? And, how can a person do this when they struggle with speaking up?

Join Tanya and I as we explore what advocating sounds and looks like when it's put into action. 

P.S. Be sure to take advantage of the Free Advocate Like an Expert Training that's offered as well.


Your Journey Back to You |  Episode 21

During my divorce I felt like my world had been turned upside down and inside out.  I felt lost and overwhelmed. In moving through the process, I made it a point to remind myself that by keeping the following two points in mind, I would be able to come out on the other side of this successfully.  What were those two things?

1 - Believe that everything was working for my greatest good; even if I couldn't see it in the moment.

2 - Trust that I only had to solve one thing at a time.

While my life was in transition and changing at a rapid pace, I chose to believe that I still had could be a creative problem solver and show up for myself in a powerful way. Rather than fighting with my reality, I decided to take an active role in helping to mold my present and future to the best of my ability.

If you'd like to hear more about how I walked this path and more, then click on the link to join the conversation.