Divorce Does Not Define You. 

You Do! 

Samantha Nielsen

Hi, I'm Samantha

Founder of Modern Day Divorce


My Story

Even Now As a Divorced Woman,

I Believe My Possibilities are Endless.

...And, So Are Yours!


When I married, I never anticipated getting divorced.

Divorce wasn't even a consideration. And yet, here I am. A single, divorced woman and an active member of my conservative religious faith. Many religious cultures take a strong position against divorce. It can be viewed as a "failure" or sorts.

And yet, I see it very differently. This is because of the intentionality I created as part of my divorce experience.

When I realized that divorce was inevitable, I decided to look at this ending as the "next step" in my evolution. I decided that my life was still going to be full of new opportunities. I decided to create attitudes and experiences that empowered me to live in a richer, deeper and more complete way.

One of the greatest truths I've learned throughout this process is that divorce has nothing to do with my spiritual value or worthiness.  I am 100% worthy of love, peace and acceptance from my all-knowing God. Happily, I now know and believe that my possibilities are endless. My divorce has has been a transition which works for me, rather than against me.

What if this could be true for you as well? It can be, if you let it! The choice is yours. It always has been and it always will be.